Especially, our products and technology will surely benefit the visitor who find new [Healthcare electronics, Car accessories, Air purifiers, Wellness devices, Sleep tech products]

We guarantee we will explain about innovate sleep tech item and car air purifiers.
Honey IT is involved in digital health care electronics. I would be appreciate it if you refer to below our website.
We guarantee we will explain about innovate sleep tech item and car air purifiers.
Honey IT is involved in digital health care electronics. I would be appreciate it if you refer to below our website.
We guarantee we will explain about innovate sleep tech item and car air purifiers.
There are [ipuri] for car air purifiers brand and [Znie] for personal sleep care tech brand.
<Our presentation is January 5th at 1 p.m at booth.>
I'd much appreciate it if you visit and discuss about our new tech.
Please visit out booth and enjoy a warm Korean caffe latte.
If you would like to visit, please confirm your attendance by replying to this email.
Where: CES 2022 Venetian Expo
When: Jan 05 / 1 pm
Booth: 50865 / Check below map
Thank you and Regards,
Brandon Lee / Sales rep