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Did you know that mosquito is the deadliest animal in the world? Those pesky insects not only spoil your nights on the terrace but are also responsible for the suffering of hundreds of millions of people every year.

Mosqitter introduces an innovative combination of hard- and software solutions to provide an effective, environmentally friendly, safe and long-term protection of people from mosquito bites with no health risks.

“Our team’s passion is building a non-toxic culture of protection considering the challenges of the global climate change the world is facing today. By scaling our solution to markets globally and with strong R&D partnerships we are working to create safe mosquito-free ecosystems and monitor mosquitoes density worldwide”.

Mosqitter introduces an innovative combination of hard- and software solutions to provide an effective, environmentally friendly, safe and long-term protection of people from mosquito bites with no health risks. A female-led startup with its ingenious device rids outdoor territories of mosquitoes without chemicals using a patented technology imitating a living being in combination with the software that controls all necessary algorithms to ensure maximum efficiency. This year Mosqitter will showcase its device at CES 2022 Eureka Park, booth 61129.

It’s enhanced luring system, size, and even color attract the biters - female mosquitoes. It is designed to work under all weather conditions, can be controlled remotely through an app with an option of integrating with solar panels. The innovative solution introduces a new culture of non-toxic and ecological approach to solving the problem of mosquitoes with the subsequent total substitution of pesticides to reduce interference with the nature. It is equipped with LTE/GSM modules and is capable of managing the ecosystems of entire cities, and large open territories. The system of several installations, within the city, can create its own remotely controlled Urban Mosquito Control ecosystem. Mosqitter has been recognised by numerous prestigious awards, including recently - national Energy Globe Award 2021.

Olga Diachuk | СООMosqitter Tel.: +380 (98) 785-20-90 Linkedin

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