Come together to help fight hunger this holiday season. The holidays are a time of giving, but they are also a time of great need. Food insecurity continues to plague families and individuals across the World.
The assembly process combines rice, soy, dehydrated vegetables, and a micronutrient flavoring mix formulated by Kraft Heinz Company Foundation that includes 20 essential vitamins and minerals. The cost of each meal is typically 34 cents. The food has a shelf-life of two years.
Rise Against Hunger provides over 70% of its meals to support development programs such as school lunch programs, vocational training programs, early childhood development programs, orphanages, and medical clinics.
Working with these programs allow beneficiaries to break the cycle of poverty through education, skills development, and healthcare while also receiving needed nutrition.
Rise Against Hunger supports partner organizations in developing countries by providing direct financial assistance to support ongoing programs that provide food, medicines, or other basic necessities to impoverished populations.
This program enables Rise Against Hunger to respond to crises immediately by working with organizations already on the ground. It also supports local economies in developing areas and promotes self-reliance.
About Rise Against Hunger
Rise Against Hunger is an international hunger relief non-profit organization that coordinates the packaging and distribution of food and other aid to people in developing nations It was founded as Stop Hunger Nowin 1998 by Ray Buchanan and John Hewitt. Rise Against Hunger mobilizes more than 400,000 volunteers each year to package meals for people in need around the globe.
About Rotary
Rotary International is an international service organization whose stated human rights purpose is to bring together business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian services, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and to advance goodwill and peace around the world.
It is a secular organization open to all people regardless of race, color, creed, religion, gender, or political preference. There are 34,282 member clubs worldwide. 1.2 million individuals called Rotarians have joined these clubs.